• Frequently Asked Questions

  • About Securities Trading Account

  • 1. How to begin securities trading through Internet?

    In order to be able to login to access the internet trading system, you need to register to set up the Username and Password. You will receive the code to be used for your registration via email that you have registered with the Company, whereas

    • Username - is the name used to login the system at www.utrade.co.thand must contain the first 6 digits of your securities trading account number
    • Password - is the code used to login the system and must contain 6-10 English alphabets and numbers
    • PIN No. - is the code used for sending securities trading order and must contain only numbers of 6 digits

    Remark:You are able to set up PIN No. yourself by your first login to the system after your securities trading account has been approved.

  • 2. What are the different types of online trading account provided?

    1. Cash Account is the account which the Company shall determine a securities trading limit for the customers based on their financial evidences submitted together with the account opening application. Customers need to deposit cash as collateral (20%) with the Company as regulated before they can start to purchase securities. The settlement date is within 2 business days after the trading date (T+2).

    2. Cash Balance Account is the account which the customer has to deposit cash as 100% collateral with the broker firm before they can start securities trading and the customer is able to purchase securities up to such pre-deposited amount. When the customer purchases securities for a certain amount, the broker firm will deduct the amount from the customer’s account in settlement for such purchasing. Consequently, the purchasing power of the customer will be reduced in the amount equal to the value of the purchased securities. Cash deposited with the broker firm is eligible to receive interest on deposits as well.

    3. Credit Balance Account or also known as Margin Account The Company realizes that it is important and also convenient if the customers are provided more purchasing power for investment. Therefore, the Company also provides a type of securities trading account in which the customers can borrow money for securities purchased through internet. Customers must place cash and/or securities as collateral at the minimum rate (Initial Margin) determined by the Company in which they shall receive interest from the Company as long as the cash placed as collateral is more than the total loan outstanding and is obliged to pay interest when the loan outstanding is more than the cash placed as collateral.

  • 3. Can you send securities trading orders immediately after the securities trading account has been approved?

    1. If your account is a Cash Balance Account, you need to transfer cash into the Company’s account first to determine your securities trading line before starting any trading and you cannot purchase securities in the amount exceeding the amount of cash outstanding

    2. If your account is a Cash Account, , you need to wait until the application for Automatic Transfer System (ATS) service has been approved by the bank which you will be informed via letter and email before you can begin the securities trading

    Remark :
    • The application for Automatic Transfer System (ATS) service requested via Direct Debit Letter requires about 2 weeks processing period.
    • - The application for Automatic Transfer System (ATS) service requested via Automated Teller Machine (ATM) requires about 1 day processing period.

  • 4. What is an ATS (Automatic Transfer System)?

    It is the automatic debit system which links your bank account with your securities internet trading account to facilitate the direct debit of cash from your bank account to settle for securities purchased and the transfer of cash received from securities sold as well as the deposit-withdraw of cash without any fee charged. Such system will automatically transfer cash into the bank account and debit cash from the bank account via electronic media.

  • 5. How to get the Registration Code for internet trading?

    You will receive the Registration Code to be used for your registration by email and SMS at the mobile phone number that has been registered with the Company and do the registration by access to: https://trading.utrade.co.th/
    o Username - the name that is used to enter the system at www.utrade.co.th must contain the first 6 digits of your securities trading account number.
    o Registration Code. – the code used for the first registration

  • About Securities Trading

  • 1. How to execute internet trading orders?

    After the Username and Password have been determined, you can enter website : www.utrade.co.th and select the menu “Web Login” at the top right-hand corner of the screen. You can access the internet trading system and able to access the Streaming, UTRADE Plus program. Then select menu Buy or Sell and fill in the volume, the price and your PIN Number then press “Submit” and your order will be sent to the SET.

  • 2. How to cancel the securities trading orders?

    You can cancel your trading orders at any time as long as those orders have not yet been matched by following the steps below:
    • Mark ? on the empty box in front of the order that you want to cancel
    • Press "Cancel"
    • Enter your PIN Number
    • Press “Confirm Cancel” and “OK”

  • 3. Can you execute trading orders with value exceeding the Line Available?

    The system will reject your orders automatically if the line available is not sufficient and it will allow you to execute only the sell orders for the securities outstanding in your securities trading account only.

  • 4. How to Check Line Available?

    You can check your line availability for trading real time by going to menu “Portfolio Status” or select from program UTRADE Plus, Streaming then click at menu “Portfolio”. When you make purchase order of stocks, the line available will be deducted immediately at the amount equal to the purchased price plus commission fee and VAT and if you make sell order of stocks, the system will resume the line available to you when the sell order has been matched by the SET at the amount equal to the sold value deducted by commission fee.

  • 5. How to change Password and PIN No.?

    You may change the Password or PIN No. by yourself at website: www.utrade.co.th and follow steps below:
    • Login to website:
    • Select menu “Account”
    • Select "Change password” หรือ “Change PIN”
    • Then enter the old Password / PIN and enter the new Password / PIN
    • Press Submit to confirm the changing
    • You may use the new Password/PIN immediately after you press Submit. And it will show success message on change Password/ Pin.

  • 6. Why after logging into the system it shows the statement: “Login attempt exceeds quota and account is locked. Please contact your broker”, what does it mean?

    Such statement means that you have entered the wrong password for more than 5 times so that the system has been locked and you are unable to access the system. You may contact our E-Business Department at 02-659-8222 to unlock the system.

  • 7. How to do if you forget the password?

    You may request a new password in 2 ways :
    1. Login to website www.utrade.co.thselect ‘Forgot Password’ and set up the new password by yourself or
    2. 2. Request for New Password by contacting our E-Business Dept. at Phone no. 02-659-8222

  • 8. How to do if you forget the PIN No. for sending trading orders?

    • Login to website: www.utrade.co.th
    • Select menu Account
    • Select Change PIN
    • Create new Pin no. (with 6 digits only) and re-confirm new Pin no.
    • Press Submit to confirm the changing
    • • You may use the new PIN No. immediately after you press Submit and the statement “Change PIN is successfully” appears

  • 9. How is the securities trading commission fee rate determined?

    The securities trading commission fee rate is computed by using sliding scale detailed as below:

    Total Trading Value
    per day(Baht)
    Trading through
    Marketing Officer
    Internet Trading
    Cash Account (ATS) Cash Balance Account/
    Credit Balance Account
    Not exceeding 5 million 0.257% 0.207% 0.157%
    5 - 10 million 0.227% 0.187% 0.137%
    10 -20 million 0.187% 0.157% 0.117%
    from 20 million and over 0.157% 0.127% 0.107%

    1. The above securities trading commission fee has already included other required fees to be paid to the SET and other related fees, namely
    - SET’s Trading Fee of 0.005% of the total trading value
    - Clearing Fee of 0.001% of the total trading value
    - Regulatory Fee of 0.001% of total trading value
    2. Minimum trading fee is baht 50 for each traditional and online accounts
    (Before Trading fees, Clearing fees, The Regulatory fees and VAT).  Except Cash Balance Account (No minimum commission charge)

    3. The above mentioned fees exclude VAT and withholding income tax

  • 10. What are the securities trading programs provided?

    Our Company provides 3 main securities trading programs as follows:
    1. Settrade Streaming Program
    2. UTRADE Plus Program

  • 11. What is a DCA Order?

    DCA or Dollar Cost Average is a function on Streaming Program which used for stock savings by gradually buying stocks automatically in which the investor can choose the saving period either weekly or monthly and can check the order status at any time. Moreover, if the investor is unable to decide which stocks to save, we provide a Back Testing screen menu to simulate the returns from stock savings through DCA by using historical data.

  • 12. What you should know before using Settrade DCA Order?

    • DCA Order executed today shall be effective the next business day
    • The stocks to be executed by DCA Order are subject to the permission from the broker firm that provides such service
    • The stocks to be executed by DCA Order can be selected only from the list determined by the broker firm which shown on the stock selection screen
    • 1 User can execute not exceeding 5 DCA Orders (5 DCA Orders pending
    • If there is a particular stock executed by DCA Order pending, the new order with the same stock cannot be executed • The order executed by DCA Order shall be sent to the SET by “MP-MTL” order type and only at Board lot volume
    “MP-MTL” means a type of order to match the opposite side Best Offer price only and if the price is not matched, the system will send pending order at the same Best Offer price
    • The system will not check trading line and portfolio outstanding when placing the DCA Order but will do when such order matched with the set condition and sent to the SET
    • If the DCA Order execution date is a holiday, the system will execute the order on the next business day
    • The placing of DCA Order will be automatically cancelled upon the following cases:
    -the stock’s name has been changed
    -the broker firm that provides this service does not allow the buying of such stock after DCA Order has been set

  • About Cash Deposit-Withdrawal and Securities Transfer

  • 1. How to deposit cash as collateral?

    1. By using Bill payment Form: In making cash deposit into the account of UOB Kay Hian (Thailand) Pcl. as collateral for your securities trading account by using the “Bill Payment Form” provided by the Company to make payment at the bank’s counter, you need to fill in the related data as follows:
    1.1 Name – surname of the customer
    1.2 Comp. Code defined by the selected bank
    1.3 Ref.1: fill in the securities trading account no. (begins with 10 digits) / Derivatives 7 digits (begins with 20 digits)
    1.4 Ref.2: ID Card no. (13 digits)
    Or using Bill Payment Form of each respective bank (except SCB) to make cash deposit at the bank’s counter of every branch all over the country by filling in the important data specified in No. 1

    2. By transferring cash through Internet Banking or Mobile Banking or through ATM: this can be done by specifying important data as follows:
    2.1 Comp. Code defined by the selected bank
    2.2 Ref.1 : Fill in the securities trading account no. (begins with 10) / Derivatives 7 digits (begins with 20)
    2.3 Ref.2 : ID Card no. (13 digits)

    Bank Bank’s Counter ATM Internet Banking Mobile App
    Siam Commercial Bank No Comp. Code:
    Service Provider: 0493134565
    specify Ref.1, Ref.2
    Comp. Code: 0493134565
    Ref.1, Ref.2
    Bangkok Bank Service Code. UOBKHST
    Ref.1, Ref.2
    Comp. Code: 50226 Service Code. UOBKHST
    specify Ref.1, Ref.2
    Service Code. UOBKHST
    Ref.1, Ref.2
    KASIKORN BANK Comp. Code: 33747
    Ref.1, Ref.2
    Comp. Code : 33747 UOB KayHian Securities (33747)
    specify Ref.1, Ref.2
    Comp. Code : 33747
    Ref.1, Ref.2
    Krungthai Bank Comp. Code : 5339
    Ref.1, Ref.2
    Comp. Code : 5339 UOB KayHian Securities
    (Thailand) (5339)
    Ref.1, Ref.2
    UOB KayHian Securities
    (Thailand) (5339)
    Ref.1, Ref.2
    Bank of Ayudhya (Krungsri) Comp. Code : 23131
    Ref.1, Ref.2
    Comp. Code : 23131 UOB KayHian Securities (Thailand)
    Public Company Limited
    Ref.1, Ref.2
    UOB KayHian Securities
    (Thailand) (23131)
    Ref.1, Ref.2
    UOB Bank BP. Code: 3160
    Ref.1, Ref.2
    BP. Code: 3160 Securities/funds
    UOB KayHian Securities
    specify Ref.1, Ref.2
    UOB KayHian Securities
    Ref.1, Ref.2
    Land & House Bank Comp. Code : 2043
    Ref.1, Ref.2
    Comp. Code : 2043 UOB KayHian Securities
    specify Ref.1, Ref.2
    CIMB Thai Bank Comp. Code : 9026
    Ref.1, Ref.2
    Comp. Code : 9026 No No

    3. By Automatic Transfer Service (ATS): The customer who has already been approved for the automatic transfer service with the Company can deposit cash into the securities trading account by making a transaction through electronic forms (E-Forms) menu by selecting Cash Deposit menu and fill in the data completely specifying the amount of money that they want to deposit and select ATS choice as deposit channel (minimum deposit amount is 5,000 Baht). The money will be deposited into the securities trading account by deducting from the respective bank account that has linked the ATS with the Company.

    4. By using Bill Payment Card: The customer will be provided a Bill Payment Card in which the Barcode provided at the back of the card can be scanned immediately to make cash deposit through the bank’s ATM, Mobile Banking and at the Bank’s counter provided (except SCB). You may select your securities account type to make cash deposits in which there are 2 types of account to be selected which also specified at the back of the card, namely, Cash Account and Cash Balance Account.

  • 2. How to withdraw the money?

    For Cash Balance Account

    Before making request for cash withdrawal, you may check the outstanding balance by selecting menu “Cash Balance” to check how much amount of money you can withdraw. (You are not allowed to withdraw the amount exceeding the outstanding balance shown in the Cash Balance). Then follow the steps below:
    • Login to the website www.utrade.co.th
    • Go to menu “E-Forms”
    • Click “Cash Withdrawal”
    • Enter data in the form then submit

    For Cash ATS Account

    Before making request for money withdrawal, you may check the outstanding balance by selecting menu “Cash Balance” to check how much amount of money you can withdraw (You are not allowed to withdraw the amount exceeding the outstanding balance shown in Cash Balance). Then follow the steps below:
    • Login to the website www.utrade.co.th
    • Go to menu “E-Forms”
    • Click “Cash Withdrawal”
    • Enter data in the form then submit

    • Please make withdrawal request at least 1 business day in advance
    o If notifying before 11.00 a.m., clients will receive money as withdrawal within 2.30 p.m.
    o If notifying before 11.00 a.m. or withdrawals over 3 MB., clients will receive money on the next working day within 12.00 a.m.
    • Minimum withdrawal amount is 3,000 Baht
    • Cash deposited as collateral for securities trading account requested after 16.00 p.m. shall be effective on the next business day
    • The above cash withdrawal request is allowed only after all settlement has been cleared and the cash is free from any other obligations
    • If there is any questions, please contact tel. no.0-2659-8164, 0-2659-8265, 0-2659-8035 and 0-2659-8349

  • 3. How to withdraw / transfer securities?

    If you wish to withdraw the securities, you may follow steps below:
    • Login to the website www.utrade.co.th
    • Go to menu “E-Forms”
    • Click “Securities Transfer”
    • Enter data in the form then submit

    Remark After the Securities Transfer Form has been received, the Company will withdraw the securities from your account as instructed and you are obliged to pay the transfer fees as follows:

    Securities Transferred Transfer Fee
    to other securities broker firm 100 Baht / 1 securities name
    to other securities trading account within
    UOB KayHian Securities (Thailand) Pcl.
    (transfer less than 100 shares)
    100 Baht / 1 securities name
    to other securities trading account within
    UOB KayHian Securities (Thailand) Pcl.
    (transfer 100 shares and more)
    No fee charged
  • 4. What are the channels to apply for Automatic Transfer System (ATS) Service?

    UOB KayHian Securities (Thailand) Pcl. provides 2 channels for the application of Automatic Transfer System (ATS) :

    Through Automated Teller Machine (ATM)

    If you wish to use Automatic Transfer System (ATS) service to make the payment of securities purchased, you may do so now via ATM machine of each respective bank during 6.00 a.m. – 22.00 p.m. every day. The application for ATS service through SCB, KBank, BBL, KTB, TMB, Bay, TBank, UOB Bank ATM will allow you to start your securities trading immediately on the next day (T+1) without having to wait for the approval from the Bank which might take weeks if applied by other channels.

    The steps to apply for ATS service through ATM machine of each bank are as follow:


    Via ATM


    Via ATM


    Via ATM


    Via ATM


    Via ATM


    Via ATM

    2. Through Automatic Direct Debit Letter

    If you want to apply for ATS service through Direct Debit Letter you need to instruct the bank to debit money from your bank account filling data in sign on the documents. Your signature must be the same as the specimen signature given to the respective bank and please attach the following documents:

    - 1 copy of the first page of your savings or current account passbook (For ATS application, there are 10 banks available: Thanachart Bank, SCB, BBL, KBANK, KTB, BAY (Krungsri), LH Bank, CIMB Thai, UOB and TMB)
    - 1 copy of bank statement which currently moving for 3-6 months (of any bank together with a copy of the first page of the passbook and sign to certify true copy on every page)
    Then submit all documents to:

    UOB KayHian Securities (Thailand) Pcl. (Head Office)
    130-132 Sinthorn Tower 1 Bldg., 3rd Fl.
    Witthayu Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330

  • 5. How to change the contact address, email and telephone number?

    • Login to the website www.utrade.co.th
    • Go to menu “Account”
    • Select menu “Change Particulars”
    • Enter the new data in the form
    • Press Submit to confirm the changes

  • About Securities Trading on Mobile Phone

  • 1. What do you need to do before using Settrade Streaming Program?
    For iOS Operating System

    1. Opening an internet securities trading account with the Company and select Settrade (Streaming) system
    2. Having an iPhone, or iPad version 9.0 or above and you can check the Firmware version by going to menu Settings > General > About > check the available version
    3. Having a Username & Password for Logging into the Settrade (Streaming) Program to be able to watch the stocks information and the PIN no. which is the code for trading orders execution
    4. Having an access to internet

    For Android Operating System

    1. Opening an internet securities trading account with the Company and select Settrade (Streaming) system
    2. Having a mobile phone or tablet with Android Version 4.4 or above and you can check the Android version at menu: Settings > General > About Device > check Android Version
    3. Having a Username & Password for Logging into the Settrade (Streaming) Program for Android to be able to watch the stocks information and the PIN no. which is the code for trading orders execution
    4. Having an access to internet

  • 2. Can you use iPhone, iPad with the iOS lower than iOS 9 for Settrade Streaming Program?

    No, it cannot be used since the new functions were developed for iOS 9 or above. Therefore, it is recommended that you upgrade your iPhone, iPad to iOS 9 or above. If you do not want to upgrade iOS, you may operate the program through Streaming for Mobile at www.settrade.com/mobilelogin on Browser Chrome.

  • 3. What to do if you cannot find the List of Broker Firms when you open the Settrade Streaming Program?

    iPhone cannot connect to internet Checking by trying to access Safari Program through http://www.settrade.com and try the followings:
    • If you cannot enter the website, please contact your Service Operator or check the internet connection again
    • If you can enter the website but cannot access Settrade Streaming Program, please uninstall the Settrade Streaming Program then reinstall it again.

  • 4. How can you check which mode does the Streaming for iPhone connect to the Datafeeds ?

    You may check from the light appeared on the SET Index bar at the top right-hand corner of the screen as follows:
    • Push Mode, the data is transmitted by the server (green light) – the server will transmit the data to the program immediately when there is a change in the data.
    • Pull Mode, the data is pulled (orange light) – the program will pull the data from its server on a periodic basis

  • 5. Why does the order status remain unchanged on the Click Screen after order execution or order matching?

    Check the operation of Order Status whether it is on Auto Refresh mode:
    • Auto Refresh mode will show blinking green light
    • Manual Refresh mode will show orange light and you need to press Refresh Order button

  • 6. Are there any charges in using Settrade Streaming Application?

    You may download the Settrade Streaming Application for free and only pay for:
    1. The Air time for your internet package (3G/4G/Wifi)
    2. Commission fee for trading through broker which is the same commission rate as trading through internet or only 0.15% -0.20%

  • 7. How to activate Alert & Notification function?

    Select menu More => Notification => Settings and set the Notification (for push mode only) to On, then set the required conditions.

  • 8. Where to download Settrade Streaming Application?

    You may download Settrade Streaming Application by 2 channels:
    1. Install the Application through iPhone :
    • Enter App Store
    • Search for the “Settrade Streaming” application
    • Install the application (Apple ID is required for download)
    2. Install the Application through Android
    • Enter Play Store
    • Search for the “Settrade Streaming”
    • Install the application (Gmail ID is required for download)

  • 9.What is a Conditional Order?

    A conditional order is an order that includes one or more specified criteria. Generally conditional orders refer to more complex order types used in advanced trading strategies. The most common type of conditional order is a limit order, which specifies a fixed price above (or below) which a purchase (or sale) cannot take place. Program will support for Stop Order, Trailing Stop, and Bracket Order functions.

  • 10. How Conditional Orders Work?

    Conditional Orders allow user to set a trigger price and condition.
    Stop Order (Limit Price and MP-MTL) - The order will be placed on the order book at Limit Price or
    MP-MTL when the Last Price equal to the specified of Trigger Price.
    Trailing Stop Order (MP-MTL) - This advanced function will be adjusted in price with favorable market movement on the security. Trailing Stop Loss orders trigger a market order while Trailing stop Limit orders trigger a limit order. Trailing Stop orders can be set with a percentage (%) of the specified of Trigger Price or Diff Price from High/ Low
    Bracket Order (MP-MTL) - It’s allow user to take profit or Stop loss in one order. The system will allows for two orders to be placed simultaneously. If one order executes, the other order is automatically cancelled.

    The main benefits for using these conditional order types are:
    1. Ability to automate your trades when specific criteria are met and thus helping you remain disciplined as conditional orders are not subject to the emotional swings that can occur throughout the trading day,
    2. Ability to determine your entry and exit points up-front, helping you capture your potential gains and limit your potential losses.

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